The human mind...
Honestly, I actually got into this series pretty late. It was a mere like 3 days before Psychonauts 2 actually dropped, but even still it managed to catapult itself into my top favorite game series Of All Time, i think. It's just such a charming game, with the sequel being my favorite of the two.
ra ra razputin russias greatest psychic tween
Raz! Honestly I like this little guy alot. what a little dude. He's such a lovable protagonist? Like. that is my son and I will defend him with my Life. the trans autistic ever

Razpurrtin jumpscare
Okay, important context. I kin the fuck out of this guy as a comfort thing. I am also a therian. Come Halloween 2021, I decided as a joke that Obviously I had to combine the two. And like. an entire community on VRChat kinda ended up grabbing onto it? it seems like The Catism Ever has ended up resonating with alot more people than I anticipated, especially since I originally made the whole thing as a lighthearted silly joke.

Also, Tim Schafer knows he exists to some capacity, since me and some buddies all posted a group picture in VRChat for The Game Awards one year, and he ended up liking the tweet. And I think that is absolutely hilarious.